Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The traveling circus

Whew. I'm back. After having Kara visit from Missouri for 5 days, I zipped off to sunny South Carolina to see Amy and Jon for a long weekend. Two days later Joel and I left with his family for a 14 hour drive out to Ohio in an RV for Daniel and Kaydrie's wedding. I spent the last week doing insane amounts of laundry, grocery shopping, enjoying home cooked meals (it really didn't take long for them to feel like a novelty again) and painting several rooms in the house to get it ready for this weekend. Don't worry- I used to No VOC paint which is safe for Baby.

This weekend Daniel and Kaydrie have a wedding celebration for their Connecticut friends and family. Joel and I will be hosting Easter dinner on Sunday for the Lagans and Clymers- 21 people in the immediate family and more if grandparents end up coming. I wasn't worried about it at all until I actually considered how much space tables for that many people will take up... pretty much any that we have. We have a yard and a patio which would be great except Sunday is supposed to be really stormy. Lindz and David will be around to help prep the food, set things up and in general make life more rich.

Next week Dad, Mom and Rach get back to the States and the following weekend Julie graduates. At my Dr's appointment this morning I was told I probably won't be allowed to travel to it. In other words, my Dr actually thinks that she can tell me where I am and am not allowed to go. I understand a strong recommendation against it, but to tell me that I'm not ALLOWED to go brought out that very small part of me that does things out of spite. I really wanted to say "Well, since I'm a grown woman, you bet your bottom dollar I'll be going- because I love my sister dearly but also because you're being silly." Unfortunately I can't do that. My decisions affect someone else now a whole lot more than they have before. I'm probably still going to end up going since I have no real concern to expect early labor or pregnancy complications but I've got an appointment the day before I leave to get clearance from a Dr. I have a sneaking suspicion that she'll let me go IF I promise to stop and stretch every 2 hours... which will make the 12 hour drive closer to 14.

It's times like this, when home is more like rest stop during a trip, when much of my time is spent commuting, when Joel and I have a huge stock of books on CD, that remind me how much we love traveling. Despite the inconveniences, the cost, the energy required, it's still exciting to us. We still look forward to seeing everyone and it's easier to forgo desperately needed sleep in exchange for 2 hours at the wheel because we're on a highway to somewhere to see someone we love.

A few weeks ago we registered at Babies R Us. I think the most expensive thing we asked for was a pack 'n play. We also are so thankful for the comfy car seat we were given and requested a gigantuan diaper bag, several sippy cups and good car window shades. On both of our priority list was good gear to make travel easy for this kid- because we intend to do lots of it still. Baby will learn to sleep in a car seat, to amuse him/herself for a long time or sing along to music. If not by nature then by necessity.

Joel has an inate wanderlust in him, mine however was developed. I can not tell you the number of times I wondered why Dad and Mom insisted we leave the airport to tour London when I was so tired, or added an entire day to an already long trip so we could see the Dakota's Badlands and Mt Rushmore. I went along with it because I had no choice. But then came college and Lindz and I bonded over trips like that- a last minute 30 hour trek to Texas for a wedding only to turn around that same night so we could make it back for work on Monday. A flight out to San Clemente, CA got us lost and stranded on the LA beach line. We barely made it back in time for Aunty Judy to pick us up at the airport. Countless trips between CT, PA, NJ and OH have made us sickeningly familiar with Hwy 84, 91, 287, 80, 76, 13 and Rt 1. All of a sudden the whole idea of dragging myself all over the place was something I LIKED. I LIKE seeing people I love. I LIKE seeing new places. I LIKE building the kind of memories with people that only endless hours in a car seems to build.

Whether Baby is born with Joel's wanderlust or my homebody side, we will teach it to LIKE traveling too.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

This is a story about a whale....

I'm a few weeks into my third trimester and getting quite anxious to meet this 'Wee Little Lagan' as Rosemary so affectionately dubbed it. (For some reason Mom liked this name better than David and Julie's suggested 'Squidwad') I get sore if I stand for more than a few minutes and I've started to grow sideways because my stomach is out as far as it's going to go. I can't bend in half and I have to hold my breath when I put on my shoes because the baby moves up against my lungs. In general, I feel like a whale -a beached one that can't really go anywhere or do anything like it's used to doing. Oh the not-so-glorious parts of pregnancy.

In the midst of this discomfort, I'm finding myself more and more anxious to meet this little person who has already so greatly changed my priorities. I'm starting to want to clean everything thoroughly because I want our home to be as safe and comfortable as possible. It's easier to turn down my favorite salty and sugary foods because someone else is affected by even the simplest of my food choices. It's easier to WANT to find my flaws and change so I can be the best wife and mom possible for our home. I find myself getting excited for labor because it means I'm so close to finding out if I have a little boy to love fiercely or a little girl to treasure. Everyone's born with their own personality. I can't wait to discover his/hers. I wonder if our first child will be more like Joel or me? I wonder which uncle they'll look forward to seeing most, which aunt they'll want advice from? I also wonder which of our friends will become extended family members helping raise our children. Not just this one, all of them.

I can't explain the changes that God works in my heart on a daily basis. There's a growing and a deepening of a part of me that has always been pretty small. A part of me that makes decisions and isn't so worried about what other people think. That part of me that didn't quite consider myself an adult is shrinking even more. I not only like respect from kids now, I expect it. I'm an adult in a way I haven't been before. I'm beginning to make 'mom' decisions and struggle with 'mom' struggles. While it's just the beginning, my mentality has changed quite a bit.

As a child, I was always under my parents. I lived a life that meant I respected them and anyone older than me. As a teenager, I was still under my parents but they gave me freedom. College was a time to step out on my 'own' but still have the security of my parents as the final say. Getting married put Joel and I out on our own. It stopped with us. We were in charge of our decisions and we weren't responsible to anyone. Now all of a sudden we're in a new place. We're not just doing life together, we're leading in a way we never have. Leading a new generation of children and we're responsible to teach them in such a way that they can eventually do the same.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Diabetes and Penny Cools

This morning Joel and I got an early start. I was at my Dr's office before 8am to get my gestational diabetes test. It's standard for all pregnant women here and the Dr said to expect clear results but there's still a part of me that wonders if I'll get a call tomorrow letting me know I need to come in to talk about treatment options.

I had to fast after dinner last night and tried not to be grump about missing tea and rusks this morning. The test requires me to drink 10oz of orange liquid quickly, wait an hour and then have my blood taken. It seems as though everyone who has been pregnant recently or is in the OB field has felt the need to explain to me how disgusting this drink is. No one seems to have found a good description for the taste but they always seem to shudder a bit when trying to.

When I showed up this morning I was handed my orange bottle of liquid to drink quickly. I braced myself wondering whether it would taste more like rubbing alcohol or car oil. No one in that office could understand why a huge smile was my reaction to my first sip. Penny Cools! It tasted like Penny Cools! They're the Zimbabwean version of popsicles you get here- the ones in the clear cases that you buy on vacation or the Fourth of July. It was definitely sweet, like when you first suck the flavor from the ice... but it never diluted. I drank all 11oz thankful that I was not only NOT drinking the medicinal equivalent of car oil but feeling a bit like I had a treat from my childhood. Of course, the glucose drink with no food in my stomach left me with jitters for the next 2 hours of appointments so I was pretty happy to grab an early lunch.