Saturday, February 18, 2012

Peek-a-boo...where am I?

Here I am! I find myself playing that game increasingly... not only with Charli but with everything else in life. The last few months changes in Charli, combined with the holiday marathon season meant that most areas of my life got compartmentalized and put away for a while. Now I find myself pulling out those boxes and dusting them off, including the one that had this blog in it.

If you haven't been around to actually spend time with us in the last few months, you've missed A LOT. Right before Christmas Charli was pretty good at sitting on her own. Here's an update since then:

-Charli figured out how to roll over but didn't ever do it because it meant being on her stomach and she hates that.
-She then became a flipping machine once she realized she could go places with it.
-She now has found flipping across the floor to be too slow and is trying to figure out how to move her knees once she gets on all fours. (However, she can pull herself to standing and is starting to take steps)
-Joel has a new job. No more '2 jobs, one working week'... thank the Lord!
-Between Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's and 'just because' times, we have driven between NJ and CT more than I can count.
-Charli was dedicated in church.
-I went to a wedding in Missouri- my first time spending 4 days with just Charli and no Joel, Charli's first airplane flight.
-And as if we didn't have enough excitement and change in our lives, we had an international student come live with us from Jan-June. This of course included some room changes and moving of many things that have yet to be organized and put in a home.

But not everything has changed:
-Charli still won't eat solids
- Chelsea Football Club (the cat) still wines like a baby when Charli is crying or singing... and it still results in me throwing him outside.

Probably doesn't sound like a whole lot in there but it's been exhausting and wonderful and I think I am almost done playing catch-up on life. On that note, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Valentine's Day!

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