Monday, February 27, 2012

Food fight

Take a look at the picture to your left. What do you see?Yes, you see a cutie pie. Yes, you can observe her pink shirt, blue bib and button nose. Yes, she can hold a bowl by herself. What you are really looking at though, is victory! It's in the bowl! There's nothing to see and that right there is what I'm so excited about.

For 3 months I have tried to get Charli to eat solids. I have tried being funny, tried clapping, tried begging, singing, shoving, jumping, tricking and I even prayed. She would have none of it.

Clearly, she inherited my stubbornness. And the only way to win against that is sheer, defiant will power. Which is a problem for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm used to winning the battle of the wills but I'm also used to having a REM cycle or two to help with staying power. The last few months have been full days and short nights with interruptions every 2.5 hours.

I have had to motivate myself to pick the fight with food by reminding myself that I can wean her as soon as real food can sustain her. And once she's weaned, I can go out alone spontaneously again. No more planning a week ahead to make sure a bottle is ready and then racing home before the next feeding. No matter how much I hate this food fight and no matter how sleep deprived my little brain might be, I still know that it would be stupid stupid stupid to give up. So I have trudged for three months, asking for advice, handing the duty off to my Mom and sister when I can and trying to make Charli jealous of all the fun we have at dinner eating real food by looking at her and smiling every time I take a bite (okay, not really on the creepy dinner eating but maybe I should have tried it).

All that work with no success until last week when we sat down to do battle and she opened her mouth right up. She did it over and over again until the bowl was cleaned out. I wanted to be frustrated at the sudden switch but relief won out. I literally cheered. She liked that. Then I took a picture. I felt good about that. Now each night when I feed her, she eats and I cheer.... but I figured one empty bowl picture is enough.

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