Maybe I should be worried that my daughter who was initially such a quick student on mobility has now seemed to hit a wall. Other mothers with 9 month old babies who have cut teeth or babies who are crawling holes in their carpets have certainly seemed to suggest so. I've noticed that the majority of these mothers hang out at the grocery store. They are there every time I go even though I never go at the same time or weekday.
There's this unwritten set of rules that all new parents instinctively know. When you see another young parent, stop. Say hi. Then talk about your babies; names, ages and what ability they've just aquired.
The first few times other mothers seemed to be concerned for Charli, I got a bit flustered. Then I took a deep breath, realized these women have no more experience than I do in child raising and I looked at the people around me. Almost everyone I saw was walking. Chances are Charli will figure out the whole one-foot-in-front-of-the-other sooner rather than later. If nothing else, she'll figure it out on her first day of school when she experiences peer pressure. In the meantime, I can still get a few things done around the house because I'm not chasing my child around.
Now, should I happen upon a self-righteous mother-of-a-walking-talking-infant, I don't pay too much attention to the way their face looks after chatting with me about what Charli's up to. She'll most likely get that politely concerned look on her face because Charli's not crawling yet. And I'll have a smile on mine.... because Charli's not crawling yet.
Charli sounds like a lot of the babies I've been around! Many friends' kids didn't crawl until almost a year, and then up and started walking or skipped crawling all together. She sounds like a cutie! :)