Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Simply the best!

Wow, we're in our 37th week! I say 'we' because I've become increasingly aware of how much I've seen this as my pregnancy but it's not. It's Joel's too, he just doesn't carry the baby. He does however, carry me... a lot! Sometimes he literally carries me but he's increasingly helping me up from sitting down, bending over for me, reaching up for me, waiting for me and most of all encouraging me.

I've had a lot of supportive people making sure I'm okay but from the moment we found out, Joel has been a fully devoted parent. He was excited even before we took a test to confirm we were pregnant when I expected he'd need some time to get his mind around it all. He was the one who said I shouldn't work during the pregnancy, and to make it possible he changed his job situation. He's always thankful when he walks in the door and can smell dinner cooking and he never complains if I'm just now getting the energy to get it going. There are several times when he's offered to run out just as we're settling in for the night because I mentioned that a certain food sounds good right now. I think we've only done that once for a Frosty but he always means it.
He didn't just show up to register with me, he made it fun for both of us by stopping to pick up Starbucks and having opinions on things. (He also picked a few of his own items for the baby which is why we have this on there!)
He's paid attention to details he would normally care less about and on nights when I'm having a hard time falling asleep he'll rub my back or play with my hair to help me relax no matter how tired he is.
There's no simply way to explain who he is to me and how wonderful of a husband he is. Joel's attitude and commitment towards me, his family and our baby is the most compelling reason why I know we're going to love this adventure. Yes, things will be hard and things will go wrong but it's hard not to be excited when my partner is simply the best there is!


  1. Shannon, you both will make amazing parents. I'm so excited for you and glad you are enjoying this amazing gift from God together!

  2. So excited for you both & can't wait to meet your precious babe in August! Love you guys! xoxoxox
