Thursday, June 7, 2012

Meet Charli: 11 Months

By the end of June I'll be a mom to a 1yr old! Amazing! Over the last month there's been a noticeable change in Charli's appearance and interactions. She's closer to being a toddler these days than a little baby.

Hot topic: Party tricks! Charli is quickly catching on to the fact that attention is given to babies doing party tricks and is progressively adding them to her repertoire. She started with clapping and learning Pat-A-Cake from Grandma. Following closely was the addition of waving, which she has indeed mastered. She can wave with her whole arm but that gets tiring quickly when done for the duration of our trips to the grocery store so she made a plan. She figured out that waving from her wrist (Queen of England style) saves her energy a while longer thus ensuring she can wave to many many more people from her seat in the shopping cart as we go down aisles. Meany-Moms are stunned in to silence now but they cute little blonde who waves at almost everyone she sees in public.... and in private. She waves to say good morning, waves to say goodnight, waves to say she's done with her food, waves at the cat and waves when she's bored. She's begun to clap when I come into her room to get her out of her crib in the morning or after naps.

Mobility Stats: As close to running as you can get while still holding on to furniture. She moves through various rooms easily and I've started to instinctively put things out of her grasp. She's started getting better with her crawling movements too although they're still more of a belly wiggle.

Teeth Stats: TWO TEETH on the bottom center and a few more are on their way up top. Now when she chews on something hard, like a metal spoon, you can hear the 'clink clink' of her pearly whites.

Language Stats: She's not saying anthing distinctive yet but she chatters a lot in a high pitch, little girl sound.... so cute!

Favorite thing to do: Try to get to the electrical cords, computer, dishwasher, cat litter, cat food or outside before I catch her. Luckily she hasn't succeeded yet.

Easiest way to get her laughing: Doing almost any silly action that ends up with me kissing her cheek...and then doing it over and over again. 

Newest development: We can almost see her putting pieces together as she becomes more and more aware of basic concepts in social interaction.

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